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Barking Points Memo

Nov 24, 2019

It's time to talk about the primary again, but don't fret we also talk about how Disney and other media conglomerates are going to ruin going to the movies! Also Elon Truck and Sahoni's History Corner on the Occupation of Alcatraz.

BARKING POINT: Predict this year's disastrously viral moment from the Video Game Awards.

Music from
"Bossa Antigua" "Backbay Lounge" "Apero Hour" "Crinoline Dreams" "Opportunity Walks" "Samba Isobel" "Shades of Spring" "Deuces" "Getting it Done" "Poppers and Prosecco" "Digital Lemonade" by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (

Theme Music: "Barking Point" by Solardog