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Barking Points Memo

Jul 5, 2024


Adobe craters user trust and also falls under investigation by the government for its awful cancellation policies, and said government finally forces Chiquita to pay for some of its crimes.

Also featuring a section I like to call Star Wars: Disney's Evermore Park.

BARKING POINT: Extremely bad theme restaurant ideas. Genuinely bad ones, nothing cute-clever. Just genuinely bad ideas for everyone involved.

SPONSORS: Xurnami, Varulf, Tillen Shark, Takel, TailStrike, StarKessler, sensual kazoo, Riley, Rei Moonwuff, phillypu, newdarkcloud, Midori Switch Hound, Mewyabby, Lance Leoghauni, Kokiteno, knightly, Graith Ilesanmi, Drifa Jónsdóttir, Dissonant Dragon, Chris, blimpeh, and Aode (Lion)