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Barking Points Memo

Dec 3, 2019

When the cat's away the mice* will play, the Axel-less gang discuss Riot Games finally paying its dues, the necessary protests of Amazon's general malfeasance but also squalid worker rights, also George Clooney has a human rights satellite?!

BARKING POINT: Run your Papa John's Former CEO Pizza Ultra-Binge Simulation and tell us the result!

*they aren't mice

Music from
"Bossa Antigua" "Backbay Lounge" "Apero Hour" "Crinoline Dreams" "Opportunity Walks" "Samba Isobel" "Shades of Spring" "Deuces" "Getting it Done" by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (

Theme Music: "Barking Point" by Solardog